Reaching out into our communities is vital to our organization, developing relationships with community leaders, media, school faculty and local civic groups can greatly assist each post in achieving the VFW mission.
Veteran Service Officer Assistance
Every 3rd Friday of the month at 1pm a Veteran's Administration representative is at the post to assist with claims and benefits
Flag retirement
Drop off your damaged US flag at our post for proper disposal
Memorial Day and Veterans Day
Members place US Flags on veteran graves at Kernersville's Eastlawn Gardens of Memory and Mt.Gur cemeteries.
Community Events
Large Parking Lot and Facilities to host car shows, motorcycle rallies, craft fairs or non-profit veteran events. ***CONTACT US for approval BEFORE scheduling an Event at our location***
Relief Center
Provided central collection point with recent Western North Carolina Hurricane Helene relief efforts


Join us as brothers and sisters of America to preserve the rights of veterans and support each other as only those who share in the camaraderie forged by conflict can.